
Showing posts from December 30, 2023

Harmony in Crisis: The Urgent Call for Stewardship and Sustainability in the Lament of Mother Earth

The lament of Mother Earth resounds as a poignant reminder of the consequences wrought by humanity's reckless exploitation of natural resources and callous environmental practices. This solemn cry, echoing through the scars left by over-exploitation, irresponsible waste disposal, and unbalanced deforestation for construction, is a stark testament to the urgency of a transformative approach. The sacred text of Ecclesiastes 3:11 offers wisdom, stating, "He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end." This verse underscores the divine order and beauty inherent in nature, a gift entrusted to humanity for stewardship rather than exploitation. International law, reflected in treaties like the Paris Agreement, which the Philippines and numerous countries have ratified, emphasizes the collective responsibility to combat climate change. The Convention on Biological Diversity