
Showing posts from February 16, 2024

Dreamland Chronicles: Navigating Fantasy and Reality in the Face of Famine-Just A Dream Almost Real Might Happen in 2036

  Dreamland Chronicles: Navigating Fantasy and Reality in the Face of Famine In the ethereal realm of dreams, where imagination knows no bounds and reality bends to the whims of fantasy, there exists a province setting that straddles the line between enchantment and despair. As I journey from Zambales to Pangasinan, traversing landscapes painted by the brushstrokes of my subconscious mind, I find myself drawn to an estate ravaged by famine – a haunting reflection of the harsh realities that plague our world. In this dreamland tableau, inspired by the biblical verse from Isaiah 58:10 – "If you extend your soul to the hungry and satisfy the afflicted soul, then your light shall dawn in the darkness, and your darkness shall be as the noonday," – I encounter three native tribe members, their faces etched with hunger and despair. They stand as silent sentinels against the backdrop of a dryland province, their bodies weary and emaciated, seeking solace beneath the sparse shade of