Mitigation Strategies for Challenges in the Philippine Recycling Industry (2023)
Mitigation Strategies for Challenges in the Philippine Recycling Industry (2023) Meeting Quality Requirements: Update: As of 2023, the lack of high-capacity and advanced technologies remains a challenge for Philippine recyclers. However, there have been incremental advancements in recycling technologies globally. Mitigation Procedure: The Philippine Government can collaborate with international organizations to facilitate technology transfer programs. This could involve providing subsidies or incentives for recyclers to adopt advanced technologies for producing high-grade recycled resins. Implementing stricter regulations on waste segregation and incentivizing source-separated collection could also contribute to cleaner feedstock. Specific Sample: The adoption of advanced sorting and cleaning technologies by a local recycler, supported by government incentives, resulted in a significant improvement in the quality of recycled resins. This showcases the effectiveness of technology ado...