"Waste Management Transformation: A Blueprint for Nationwide Replication and Collaborative Implementation"
Executive Summary: The evaluation of municipal solid waste (MSW) plans, collection, recycling, and disposal practices in Metro Manila, as detailed in "An Assessment of Municipal Solid Waste Plans, Collection, Recycling and Disposal of Metro Manila" (World Bank, n.d.), exposes critical shortcomings contributing to environmental issues, notably flooding and inefficient waste management. The report identifies deficiencies in various stages of the waste management process and proposes targeted investments and policy enhancements to rectify these challenges. Environmental Impact and Collection Gaps: Inadequate waste collection, particularly in densely populated areas, is underscored as a major contributor to adverse environmental effects, exacerbating flooding as plastic waste fills waterways. The report delineates four levels of recyclable recovery, pinpointing significant gaps at Level 2 due to insufficient Material Recovery Facilities (MRFs) and Materials Recovery Stations (M...