Empowering the Role of the Informal Sector in Waste Diversion: A Comprehensive Plan

I. Empowering the Role of the Informal Sector in Waste Diversion: A Comprehensive Plan

1. Technical Planner Composition:

Objective: Develop a technical planner team to oversee the integration and empowerment of the informal sector in waste diversion.

  • Project Manager: Responsible for overall project coordination, planning, and implementation.
  • Waste Management Expert: Provides technical expertise on waste diversion strategies and recovery processes.
  • Training Coordinator: Designs and implements training programs for the informal sector.
  • Community Liaison Officer: Facilitates communication and collaboration with informal waste pickers and local communities.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist: Establishes a robust monitoring system for performance evaluation.

2. Budget Requirements:

Objective: Allocate resources for the effective implementation of the empowerment plan.

  • Training Programs: Budget for workshops, seminars, and hands-on training sessions for waste pickers.
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Allocate funds for the provision of necessary safety gear.
  • Community Engagement: Set aside resources for community awareness campaigns and engagement initiatives.
  • Monitoring Tools: Invest in technology for real-time tracking and monitoring of waste diversion activities.
  • Incentives: Create a budget for incentive programs to motivate informal waste pickers.

3. Training Requirements:

Objective: Enhance the skills and knowledge of the informal sector to optimize their role in waste diversion.

  • Waste Segregation Techniques: Provide training on effective waste segregation methods at the source.
  • Recycling Processes: Educate on the types of recyclables, their market value, and proper recovery methods.
  • Safety and Health Practices: Conduct workshops on occupational health and safety practices.
  • Entrepreneurial Skills: Equip waste pickers with basic business skills for better negotiation and market access.

4. Complete PPE Provision:

Objective: Ensure the safety and well-being of informal waste pickers through the provision of Personal Protective Equipment.

  • Gloves: Protect hands from sharp objects and hazardous materials.
  • Masks: Prevent inhalation of harmful substances during waste sorting.
  • Reflective Vests: Enhance visibility for safety in collection areas.
  • Boots: Shield against potential injuries and hazards on the ground.

5. Monitoring Tools:

Objective: Implement a robust monitoring system to track and evaluate waste diversion activities.

  • GPS Tracking Devices: Install on collection vehicles for real-time monitoring of routes.
  • Weighing Scales: Deploy at collection points for accurate measurement of collected recyclables.
  • Mobile Applications: Develop apps for waste pickers to report activities and access relevant information.
  • Surveillance Cameras: Install at critical points to deter illegal dumping and enhance security.

6. Performance Indicators:

Objective: Establish clear performance indicators to measure the success of the empowerment plan.

  • Percentage Increase in Recyclable Recovery: Track the improvement in the recovery of recyclables.
  • Safety Incident Reports: Monitor and minimize safety incidents through the use of PPE.
  • Community Satisfaction Surveys: Assess the perception and satisfaction of local communities.
  • Market Value of Recovered Materials: Measure the economic impact through the market value of collected recyclables.


This comprehensive plan aims to empower the informal sector in waste diversion systematically. By addressing training needs, providing essential safety gear, utilizing monitoring tools, and establishing performance indicators, the plan endeavors to bridge gaps in the existing waste management infrastructure and create a sustainable model for waste diversion in Metro Manila. 


Informal waste pickers not wearing any PPE.

Basic PPE Equip by other Informal waste pickers.

Ideal PPE Provision- For Garbage Collector

A minimum PPE requirement-For Informal Waste Picker

II. Mitigating Risk in the Comprehensive Plan for Informal Sector Empowerment in Waste Diversion
  1. Technical Planner Composition:

    • Risk: Lack of synergy among team members.
    • Mitigation Strategy: Facilitate regular coordination meetings and foster a collaborative team culture. Clearly define roles and responsibilities to avoid overlaps.
  2. Budget Requirements:

    • Risk: Budget constraints affecting the quality and effectiveness of training programs.
    • Mitigation Strategy: Prioritize budget allocation based on critical needs. Explore partnerships with NGOs or seek sponsorships for specific components.
  3. Training Requirements:

    • Risk: Resistance to training programs among the informal sector.
    • Mitigation Strategy: Conduct thorough needs assessments and tailor training content to address specific challenges. Ensure interactive and engaging training methodologies.
  4. Complete PPE Provision:

    • Risk: Inadequate compliance with safety practices due to discomfort or impracticality of provided PPE.
    • Mitigation Strategy: Involve waste pickers in the selection process of PPE, ensuring comfort and practicality. Provide training on the importance of PPE usage.
  5. Monitoring Tools:

    • Risk: Technical glitches or misuse of monitoring tools.
    • Mitigation Strategy: Conduct extensive training on tool usage. Implement a support system for technical issues. Regularly update and maintain monitoring devices.
  6. Performance Indicators:

    • Risk: Inaccurate measurement of performance indicators leading to flawed assessments.
    • Mitigation Strategy: Establish a robust data validation process. Implement regular audits and feedback mechanisms to enhance the accuracy of performance indicators.

In conclusion, by proactively identifying and addressing potential risks, the comprehensive plan for informal sector empowerment in waste diversion can navigate challenges effectively, ensuring the success and sustainability of the initiative. Regular review and adaptation of strategies will be essential for continued improvement.


An Assessment of Municipal Solid Waste Plans, Collection, Recycling and Disposal of Metro Manil. (n.d.). https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/entities/publication/36961b9e-179e-5885-ae70-4cf6f237c6ee/full. Retrieved January 8, 2023, from https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/

© 2021 The World Bank Group. (n.d.). Market Study for the Philippines: PLASTICS CIRCULARITY OPPORTUNITIES AND BARRIERS. https://openknowledge.worldbank.org. Retrieved January 22, 2023, from https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/entities/publication/61e2e030-9dc2-5013-a8ff-7565919e17ee/full

Modeling recycling in life cycle assessment. (n.d.). https://www.lifecyclecenter.se/wp-content/uploads/2020_05_Modeling-recyling-in-life-cycle-assessment-1.pdf. Retrieved January 19, 2022, from https://www.lifecyclecenter.se/


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