Best Practices in Pollution Control for the Installation of a Material Recovery Facility in the Philippine Setting:

  1. Adopt Best Practices for Noise, Dust, and Light Pollution Control:

    • Implementing robust measures to control noise, dust, and light pollution is crucial for minimizing the environmental impact of a Material Recovery Facility (MRF). Best practices include:
      • Noise Control:
        • Use noise barriers and enclosures around noisy machinery.
        • Schedule noisy operations during less sensitive hours.
        • Regular maintenance of equipment to reduce noise emissions.
        • Utilize low-noise technologies and equipment.
      • Dust Control:
        • Implement dust suppression techniques such as mist cannons and water sprinklers.
        • Enclose conveyor systems to minimize dust release during material handling.
        • Pave surfaces to reduce dust generation from vehicle movement.
        • Install windbreaks to divert dust away from sensitive areas.
        • Regular cleaning through sweeping and vacuuming to prevent dust buildup.
      • Light Pollution Control:
        • Use shielded lighting fixtures to direct light downward and reduce upward light spill.
        • Employ motion sensors and timers to control the operation of lighting.
        • Minimize excessive or unnecessary lighting during non-operational hours.
        • Choose warm-toned and low-intensity lighting to reduce overall light pollution.
  2. Ensure Effective Implementation of Environmental Regulations:

    • Compliance with existing environmental regulations is fundamental for the success of an MRF project and the protection of the surrounding environment. Key measures include:
      • Regular Monitoring and Reporting:
        • Establish a systematic monitoring program for air quality, water quality, noise levels, and other relevant parameters.
        • Submit regular reports to regulatory bodies as required by environmental regulations.
      • Adherence to Emission Limits:
        • Implement control technologies to ensure emissions from the facility comply with established limits.
        • Regularly inspect and maintain control equipment to guarantee optimal performance.
      • Waste Management Practices:
        • Strictly adhere to waste management regulations, including proper segregation, recycling, and disposal of waste.
        • Implement measures to minimize leachate and runoff, preventing water contamination.
      • Community Engagement and Transparency:
        • Engage with local communities to address concerns and provide transparent communication about environmental performance.
        • Establish a grievance redressal mechanism to address and resolve concerns raised by affected communities.
      • Regular Audits and Inspections:
        • Conduct internal and external audits to ensure ongoing compliance with environmental regulations.
        • Promptly address any non-compliance issues identified during inspections.


DENR Administrative Order No. 2014-09 ("Ecological Solid Waste Management Act Implementing Rules and Regulations")

These best practices are based on established environmental guidelines and regulations in the Philippines, particularly under DENR administrative orders, to ensure the effective control of pollution associated with Material Recovery Facility operations.


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