Compliance Report on Terrestrial Ecosystems in the Philippines:

 Compliance Report on Terrestrial Ecosystems in the Philippines:

Objective: The primary objective of this compliance report is to identify and comprehensively understand the existing terrestrial habitats, encompassing forests, grasslands, and other land-based ecosystems, within and surrounding the proposed Material Recovery Facility (MRF) site. The focus is on aligning these findings with relevant environmental laws and regulations in the Philippines.

Importance: Terrestrial ecosystems play a vital role in maintaining biodiversity, providing habitat for numerous plant and animal species. As part of the environmental impact assessment process for the MRF construction, it is crucial to assess these terrestrial areas. This assessment aids in gauging potential impacts on local flora and fauna, particularly concerning habitat loss, fragmentation, or disturbance resulting from MRF construction activities.

Example in Philippine Setting: In a provincial region of the Philippines where an MRF is proposed for construction, an ecological assessment was diligently conducted before the commencement of the project. The assessment revealed the presence of a nearby forested area, known for harboring various endemic bird species.

Relevance to Environmental Laws in the Philippines:

  1. DENR DAO 2017-09 (Revised National Integrated Protected Areas System [NIPAS] Act):

    • The identified forested area may fall under the coverage of the National Integrated Protected Areas System, as per DENR DAO 2017-09. This law mandates the conservation and sustainable management of protected areas, ensuring the preservation of critical habitats.
  2. Philippine Environmental Impact Statement System (PD 1586):

    • The ecological assessment aligns with the requirements of PD 1586, which establishes the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) system in the Philippines. By thoroughly examining terrestrial ecosystems, the assessment adheres to the EIA process, ensuring that potential impacts are identified and addressed.
  3. Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act (RA 9147):

    • The presence of endemic bird species within the forested area underscores the relevance of RA 9147. This law focuses on the conservation and protection of wildlife, including the preservation of habitats crucial for the survival of endemic species.

Mitigating Measures:

  1. Habitat Preservation Zones:

    • Designate specific zones within the proposed MRF site as habitat preservation areas, especially if the ecological assessment identifies critical habitats. This aligns with the principles of NIPAS and RA 9147.
  2. Construction Timing and Buffer Zones:

    • Implement construction schedules that minimize disturbance during critical breeding or nesting seasons for identified species. Establish buffer zones around sensitive areas to mitigate potential impacts.
  3. Environmental Education Programs:

    • Develop and implement environmental education programs for MRF staff and local communities. This fosters awareness about the importance of protecting nearby terrestrial ecosystems and the species inhabiting them.

Conclusion: By integrating the findings of the ecological assessment into the MRF project planning and design, in accordance with relevant Philippine environmental laws, the proposed facility can be developed responsibly, ensuring the preservation of terrestrial ecosystems and contributing to the country's commitment to environmental sustainability.


  • DENR DAO 2017-09 - Revised National Integrated Protected Areas System (NIPAS) Act
  • PD 1586 - Philippine Environmental Impact Statement System
  • RA 9147 - Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act


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